Hallie Marks – EnduroCross and Extreme Enduro Racer

In this episode, Dale is joined by Hallie Marks, an aspiring EnduroCross and Extreme Enduro Racer. She shares how she got her start on two wheels and discusses growing up in Montana on her family's ranch.
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Dale Spangler:
Welcome to Pit Pass Moto, the show that brings you deep dive interviews with the motorcycle industry insiders and racers that make the sport move. I'm host, Dale Spangler and this episode's guest is Hallie Marks, EnduroCross and Hard Enduro racer for Team Sherco USA.
This episode is brought to you by MotoAmerica, home of AMA Superbike Racing, and North America's premier motorcycle road racing series. Watch every round of the 2023 series with MotoAmerica Live+ video-on-demand streaming service. Or visit the MotoAmerica YouTube Channel for race highlights and original video content.
For the complete 2023 MotoAmerica schedule, head to motoamerica.com or follow MotoAmerica on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for real time series updates.
Let's get started.
Hallie Marks, welcome to Pit Pass Moto. Really appreciate your time today. How are you today? What's been happening?
Hallie Marks:
I'm doing really good. It's a bit cold here in Montana, but thanks for having me a part of this.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah. So, you're like not far from Helena. We kind of have a mutual friend, Brian Elliott, that lives up that way. I think he's even your neighbor if I'm not mistaken. I think he lives in Clancy as well.
So, to kind of circle back though, you've already had a pretty darn good season already. You started off the US Hard Enduro series with the second place at the King of the Hammers event, which was your first time racing there. New Terrain, I think you said you never raced a GPS race before. So, tell us about the kickoff to this year.
Hallie Marks:
Well, after last year, I was training a lot over the winter to get prepared for the upcoming season and I was a bit nervous about this race because, like you said, I had never done a GPS race before. So, that was new.
It was better than I thought it was going to be, so that's good. Terrain was different, but I am super happy with how I finished and I'm super stoked for the upcoming season. It was a good race. It had its ups and downs. But overall, I really enjoyed it.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, it looked like it's like riding on Mars or the moon, if we could ever do that someday, because it's just nothing but rocks at the King of the Hammers. So, and then the GPS thing has to be like a weird little twist. So, I take it you have like way points that you have to navigate too.
Hallie Marks:
Yeah, so, it got progressively harder. So, the first day was pretty easy. There were some markings on the course and the GPS was pretty much just told you where your next checkpoint was going to be or where the finish line was.
And like I said, the markings on the course were pretty good the first day. The second day, they didn't really have lots of markings so you did have to go off of your GPS a lot.
But by the time I got to the course, there was already pretty well-built trail. So, it's not like I was looking at my GPS the entire race, but I did spend a good amount of time looking at it.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, I can't even imagine like trying to navigate the terrain that you have to go through while also, navigating with the GPS unit. So, it definitely throws a little bit of twist in there, for sure.
Hallie Marks:
Yeah, I did get thrown off a couple times, but we're good. We got back on track.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah. Well, it had to be less of a surprise. It's not like it was your very first race because I saw where you finished fifth and your very first, I think the Grinding Stone Hard Enduro last year I think in Arizona. You got fifth place in that. So, I mean it seems like you just came out of nowhere.
Let's talk about that event and then how did you first get your start in motorcycling?
Hallie Marks:
Well, when I was young, my parents were avid offroad racers and riders, so they introduced me to it at a young age. My brother got a bike, I think on his fifth or sixth birthday. And then I fell in love with it too.
We put on a off-road race on our ranch for like three to four years. So, that kind of introduced me to racing and after that, it progressed to the local 406 off road series that I was doing and I was still riding with.
I didn't really have lots of women to ride with around that time. It was mostly my brother. So, CSC saw my potential and they reached out as my first sponsor, I believe it was 2020. And they offered to take my bike to Texas for the Red Bull Override.
So, that was my first extreme Enduro, like the actual Hard Enduro that I did. It was quite the story because it was three hours in the day, three hours at night and something that's probably a bit harder to do when you're just getting introduced to hard enduro.
So, halfway through the race, like my parents had my lights and I was in the dark for some of it. So, it was kind of scary and it was hard and I didn't really know what to expect. But I won the women's class there and it just kind of took off from there sponsor wise, and going to more races, and training and stuff. Just all started from there.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, I mean you did pick an easy one, did you? You start with the Red Bull Override, probably one of the more difficult races to begin with. And yeah, like you said, riding at night.
So, let's back up a little bit again though because you do have some EnduroCross experience as well because I saw where you finish fourth place in the 2022 series, but you're just in there amongst some serious legends. Shelby Turner, Rachel Gutish, Louise Forsley.
I mean, you're riding with these women that are just legends in off-road racing, so I feel like you've come a long ways very quickly. You have a lot of experience but not necessarily racing. So, in the last couple years, wow, you've really come a long ways.
Hallie Marks:
Yeah. And I'm really happy with how far I've come. Racing against people that are way better than you can be intimidating, especially in EnduroCross because there's not an amateur women's class. So, when I went into that it was really nerve-wracking going into something knowing, “Okay, they're probably going to lap me a few times.”
But I definitely progressed while I watched them a lot and I became good friends with Louise and Rachel and all of them. So, I was able to ride with them some and they've helped coach me on some stuff, which has really helped. But I think just repetition and practicing that more has really helped me over the past year.
Dale Spangler:
I mean, it sounds to me like it was definitely a little bit of a family affair too, because did your dad race as well or was that your brother?
Hallie Marks:
They both did actually. So, my dad is raised hard enduro stuff in the past. He actually got second at King of the Motos in like 2018 in the A class. So, and then he won the US Hard Enduro A class on the western side, the series this year or last year, I guess I should say.
Dale Spangler:
So, you've got a built-in teacher in a way.
Hallie Marks:
He definitely has taught me everything I know, so. And then my brother, he races a lot too. He does all the races that I do. We kind of all travel as a family and my mom still rides but she doesn't do as much of the racing as we do. But we all go to the races as a family and we'll ride as a family and it's fun that way, so.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah. Let's talk a little bit more about that event that you're talking about that you held on your family property, The Crazy Ben XC. Because I looked that up and I'm like, “It seemed like it has almost like a bit of a cult following with like a lot of people were into that race.” And I think it, what, lasted through like 2020 maybe.
Hallie Marks:
Dale Spangler:
What a cool event though. Was it part of a series? The Montana Enduro Series?
Hallie Marks:
Yeah, it was for the time that it was going on. So, I think it went, was it 2013, 2014, was the beginning years of it. And there were quite a few people that did that race.
I can remember the last couple years, but when I was really small, I can't remember the beginning of it. But it was a pretty popular race. And it wasn't extremely technical. There were some technical spots, but it was mainly just an off-road race. So, it was fun.
Dale Spangler:
So, I'm curious to know, how did you decide on the … because like you're talking about right now, like the track on your property a little more probably flowing, not so having to hop up 10-foot vertical walls like in some of these hard enduros.
How did you end up choosing the disciplines of Hard Enduro and EnduroCross? Because they're definitely very focused and very unique and it seems like not many people decide like, “I'm going to go torture myself for three hours in an off-road race.” Like, how'd you get hooked? Was it that first race you talked about?
Hallie Marks:
Yeah, it was my first race. I've grown up riding off road. Like I just loved challenging myself and I liked doing all the things the boys did. And I would ride with the guys and do everything that they did because I wanted to challenge myself.
So, when it did come to Hard Enduro and EnduroCross, it was my cup of tea because I've always loved to challenge myself and go over things that can seem scary. And I always admired the pros that could do that. So, I'm like, “I want to do that too.” So, that's kind of where it started.
Dale Spangler:
So, it sounds like the little bit of the rush of the hard enduro where if you don't like heights, some of those events you go to, they're not easy on you. That's for sure. Because you got some serious climbing, there's like cliffs you can fall down all kinds of-
Hallie Marks:
Oh for sure.
Dale Spangler:
… things like that. Yeah. You can't be afraid of heights. You can't be afraid of jumping off whatever, 10-foot drops, that kind of stuff. So, yeah, definitely interesting, unique disciplines.
Let's back up and talk a little bit more about your family though, you and your family. I noticed that you guys have a big piece of property there in Montana and you have a lumber business if I'm not mistaken. So, it looks like you have a mid-size specialty sawmill.
Talk a little bit about that because it's got a long family history, right? Like your family's been in Montana for a long time.
Hallie Marks:
It has been, yeah. So, our ranch has been passed down. It's, I believe a six generation ranch right now, right around 7,000 acres. And my grandpa owns Marks Lumber and my great-uncle Marks Miller.
So, we have a lot of trails on the ranch right now. It's a beautiful ranch, like it's well taken care of and all the trails are awesome. It's a great training ground. I can definitely not complain about that. So, super happy. But it's been a great way for me to progress with my dirt biking and yeah.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah. You got some built-in EnduroCross obstacles since you guys have logs all over and I think like railroad ties. I think your parents' company produced railroad ties for a while, right?
Hallie Marks:
I'm not too sure about that. I do know that they worked for the mine way back when this was a mining town. So, the Great Northern Railroad did run through our ranch in the past.
And then that's kind of how Clancy was more of a train depot, like a train station area during the time. And then it turned into a mining town and yeah, our ranch was getting bigger. We actually own one of the first homesteads in Montana. So, that's pretty neat.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah. So, back over a hundred years then, I assume, right?
Hallie Marks:
Dale Spangler:
Wow, that's really cool. So, let's talk a little bit more too about like your training regimen and what you do to prepare for these hard enduros and EnduroCross. Like what does a typical training day look like for you?
Obviously, it's kind of off season right now. It's winter, like you said, you have snow there. Assume you have to run studded tires to get out and actually ride when it's this cold, but like what do you actually do to train for that? Like the physical side of Hard Enduro and EnduroCross?
Hallie Marks:
Well, the past year, I worked with Enduro Method, which is an online program specifically designed for dirt bikers. But this year, I currently have a personal weightlifting trainer that I meet with once a week. And then I'll also go to the gym multiple times.
I can't really ride right now, like you said. So, it's been a little tough not being on the bike. But during Hard Enduro season, I work a lot on little drills on my bike and lots of gym stuff. Just really work on getting as strong as I can.
And then during EnduroCross season it switches a little bit because I want to get laps in on the EnduroCross track and time myself and pace myself. So, it's a little bit different training for both Hard Enduro and EnduroCross.
And I'm still fairly new to it, so I'm getting used to new techniques and ways of doing things. But so far, I like the way that my trainer's been coaching me and my gym time along with some stuff other pros have told me about.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, EnduroCross has just got to be so difficult because it's like purely anaerobic where it's hard to like remember to breathe. Yeah, your heart rate's just maxed out, so I imagine you have to train like more explosive power in shorter amount of time.
Hallie Marks:
Oh, you do.
Dale Spangler:
And then you got the flip side of that, like you said, the hard enduros, which are three hours long and so you've got to have more of that, probably just long form endurance.
Hallie Marks:
Yep, pretty much. For indoor cross, I’ll mainly work on, like you said, bursts and getting fast laps and really, really pushing myself cardio wise. And then for Hard Enduro, I'll work on lots of technique and lots of steady riding and stuff like that.
Dale Spangler:
I'm going to read a statement that you said and then I'll follow up with the question. You said, “Lots of traveling, lots of races, and lots of training.” But I'm curious to know, do you love all three aspects? Like do you love the traveling? Obviously, you probably love the races, but like some people like the training, some people don't.
Hallie Marks:
I won't love the training all the time. Like there's those days where it's like, “Oh, I really don't want to do this right now, but I know that I have to.” And that can be really hard to go out there and push yourself when you really don't feel like it.
But I think those are the days that you actually get the most out of it. Because you have to push yourself harder.
But training gets a lot more the further up you get. Like you have to train way harder, way longer. So, that's something I'm currently getting used to because it's a lot to take in once you start getting up there.
The traveling, I mean, it's okay. It's not awful. You are mainly excited for where you're going, but it's not a huge burden. Gas prices aren't the best right now.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah. I think a lot of times people just think that the traveling aspect of it is just so, “Oh wow. You got to go to Los Angeles.” “I didn't see anything. I was at a race.”
Hallie Marks:
Dale Spangler:
But when you do get to enjoy it, like I've had quite a few guests that like going to the six days in Italy and then talking about all the experiences of the different food and different cultures and stuff like that. So, it's always a fun aspect of racing that I personally enjoyed.
Yeah, the training part, not so much. I'm with you on that. At your level being a professional now, like it's going to become more of a job and so, it's probably hard just to keep it fun.
Hallie Marks:
Yeah, it can be. But like you said, it is cool to travel and see places too. But during EnduroCross season when we go to places, usually, we get there, we race and then we leave type deal.
Dale Spangler:
Well, looks like you've got some support. You've landed from Sherco USA. Is that something where they approached you not long after one of your finishes?
Hallie Marks:
Well, they recognized me at the end of 2021 and sponsored me throughout last year. I’m currently still sponsored, but during that time, they've introduced me to many new sponsors and I definitely have a lot of new sponsors this year, which is awesome. And they've opened my eyes to future opportunities.
So, I'm not full factory at the moment, but I am pretty sponsored by them, so I'm very thankful about that.
Dale Spangler:
Before you finish today's episode, first, we have a word from our sponsor.
I noticed you have a couple other — like not a lot of racers have these like unique local sponsors. Like you had … I don't know how to pronounce it, I'm probably going to butcher this. But like Wassweiler Dinner House and Pub, Owens Meats, and then you got Golden Eagle Construction, Pape Construction and A-10 Drilling.
How did you end up with all these local people sponsoring your racing? I mean, that's just so cool that they're into it, wanting to help you out a little bit.
Hallie Marks:
Well, since my grandpa owns Marks Lumber, we kind of know some of the business owners around here and they're also, really good friends of ours that I've grown up knowing. So, I just approached them about helping me throughout the year and they're so supportive and I'm so thankful about that.
And my grandma actually owns the, Wassweiler Dinner House, so. And then Owens Meats in Washington is owned by my other grandpa. So, all my grandparents own businesses, which can be convenient for what I do. But I am very thankful for what they're doing this year, because I wouldn't be able to do what I do without them.
Dale Spangler:
Sounds like they're all pretty darn proud of you, is what it sounds like to me, to get behind your racing.
Hallie Marks:
Yeah, they're so supportive. It means so much to me.
Dale Spangler:
Well, something else I saw that seemed to be kind of a theme. I was kind of scrolling through your social media and checking out some of your photos of your races and it's something that you seem to gravitate back to is always smiling.
So, is it something that you try and channel into your racing? Because to me, I look at a series like the Hard Enduro and EnduroCross and you got to have a lot of patience, perseverance, you got to be able to stay calm and collected.
So, is that just kind of a conscious effort for you to just kind of like, “Hey, you know what, there's going to be situations where I'm going to get frustrated, but it's how I kind of go about my perspective of coming into these races?”
Hallie Marks:
Yeah. I try to be as happy as I can on my dirt bike. I don't want to get overly frustrated with myself because I love dirt biking and I love smiling and I feel like smiling can really change your attitude. So, when I'm having a hard time during the race, I try to be optimistic about it because you can't focus on the bad moments in the race. You have to keep going.
And I think after Destry Abbott we're really good friends now. He definitely inspired me a lot because he's always so nice to people and he is so supportive and he's so optimistic and he's just a great person overall. And I was like, “Wow, I really want to be like that.”
So, I really want to be that happy person that you always see happy on social media and in person. That's kind of where I got it from. So, I try to be as happy as I can on and off social media.
Dale Spangler:
Well, I think you chose a fantastic role model because yeah, Destry Abbott, like you said, it doesn't get much better than that as far as a representation of our sport, of off-road motorcycling because yeah, he goes out of his way to just talk to anyone and everyone. He's just a good down to earth person. So yeah, kudos to you on that choice because I think that was a great one.
Hallie Marks:
He is a great person.
Dale Spangler:
So, what so far in your racing career has been your favorite race slash event that you've attended to date?
Hallie Marks:
So, far it's been Donner Hard Enduro in California. The first time I raced it was last year and it's not on the premier series this year, which I'm disappointed about, but the terrain was rocky and really mountainous. It actually reminded me of Montana. So, I thought that was pretty cool. It was my type of riding.
And it was the first race where I actually placed in the pro women's class for Hard Enduro, so that it is a race to remember. And I definitely remember that entire race of having fun and I wasn't super worked up in it at all. And I rode smooth and clean and it just felt good. So, it was my favorite race.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, it's funny how, I don't know, like I feel like the Donner race probably still would be on there, but right now, it's probably under 53 feet of snow that I think that I saw that they got in that area. So, I think they're probably going to have snow through July this year. So, that might be part of the reason that they decided not to do that.
So, what about for your career goals? Like what are your aspirations for this? Is this something, do you see yourself continuing on or do you have other aspirations, like another direction in mind?
Hallie Marks:
Well, that's a good question. My goal right now, is just to see how good I can be. I want to be a professional, but it's always been my goal ever since I was little, when I was like six or seven, I would tell my parents, “I want to be a professional dirt biker someday.”
And seeing it happen is pretty incredible. But it's always been my dream and I want it really bad, so I do see it as a potential career right now. But I'm just happy where I'm at and I'm excited to see where it leads.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, it seems like you've got the land, the training facility, you surround yourself with good people, so it seems like now, it's just a matter of putting your head down and seeing where this journey takes you.
Hallie Marks:
Exactly, yep.
Dale Spangler:
So, I'm curious to know though, if you weren't dirt bike racing, what would you be doing?
Hallie Marks:
I'm a cowgirl at heart, so before dirt biking or before I got super into dirt biking, I should say, I loved working with horses, so horseback riding, I love that a lot. And I was pretty up in 4-H too. I raised both a steer and a pig for many years. So, that was really fun. I loved working with animals.
So, if I'm not dirt biking, I like spending time at the barn and with my horse. And I have a job right now. I work at my grandparents sawmill and outside and I run the forklifts, which is fun. But that's what I would be doing.
Dale Spangler:
Now, like do you do Western style or English style? Like do you do the jumping and all that?
Hallie Marks:
No, it's more Western style.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, like trail riding. I think to me, like that sounds fun to me. My niece is into the dressage thing and I just like it's totally different. Like it's very stringent and strict, rules.
Well, let's talk about one other thing that I noticed that you have coming up this year on your property. The Montana Dirt Experience, June 10th through 11th by DIRTastic! It's going to take place on your family's property in Clancy, Montana and it looks like it's going to be a women's enduro skill session. So, tell us about that. What a cool idea.
Hallie Marks:
It is. It's super cool. And Kalyn Benaroya is the owner of DIRTastic! She's a good family friend and what she does for women is amazing. She pretty much sets up a group of women for a clinic.
So, it's sometimes as a woman, being in a clinic with a man instructor, it can just be a little bit harder for them to understand. From a women's perspective, it's really good. And I've known many women that have really enjoyed it.
This year, we're doing more of a off-road DIRTastic! session on my family's ranch and we mainly go over a lot of just basic skills for trail riding, which is super neat. We have a lot of trails for that. So, it's a three-day clinic. We all camp here two nights, there's a potluck.
And it's just super fun to get a group of girls out and riding because to grow the women's dirt bike community, I think it's super cool and it's a good group of people.
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, absolutely. It makes sense. Like you said, like a less intimidating environment. It's all women, so I think probably, everybody just feels more relaxed, I would assume. And just a great like just way to build everybody up and no judgment zone type situation.
Hallie Marks:
Dale Spangler:
Yeah, because it can be intimidating, like learning dirt bikes for the first time. And so, that's really cool that you're doing stuff like that to kind of give back to the sport.
Hallie Marks:
Yeah, and I'm super happy about it, so it'll be a good weekend.
Dale Spangler:
Well, Hallie, we really appreciate your time today so much. It's been great getting to know you, learning more about your career. Where could people follow you online and where can they learn more about this Montana Dirt Experience if it's not already filled up by DIRTastic!?
Hallie Marks:
Well, thanks for having me again. And you can follow me, my Instagram as halliemarks676, and I'm on Facebook too. And then if you go to dirt.astic on Instagram, you can click the link in their bio to sign up for the Montana Dirt Experience because it'll be super fun.
Dale Spangler:
Awesome. Well, wish you nothing but the best going forward in this year's Hard Enduro Series and congrats on the second place at the first round. Are you going to do the whole series then, I assume?
Hallie Marks:
I am. The premier series, I will be doing all of them.
Dale Spangler:
Awesome. And then follow probably EnduroCross in the fall again?
Hallie Marks:
Mm-hmm (affirmative). Bet.
Dale Spangler:
Awesome. Well, thanks again so much, Hallie, and all the best.
[Music Playing]
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This has been a production of Evergreen Podcasts. A special thank you to Tommy Boy Halverson and the production team at Wessler Media.
I'm Dale Spangler. I hope you'll join us next week for another episode of Pit Pass Moto. Thanks for listening.